Can I come on these trips if I’ve never been backpacking before?

Yes! 100% Yes! It’s okay if you don’t know how to pack your backpack or use all the gear. That’s what Julz is there for and instruction will be provided on all backpacking “how-to” topics.

With over a decade of experience leading people in the outdoors, Julz is so excited to help you learn the 101 for backpacking, along with how to use your gear.

Additionally, she will send you lots of resources for how to prepare for your course —with things like meal planning ideas and templates, gear recommendations, rental options, etc. All we ask is that you have a genuine desire to learn and willingness engage with the outdoors.

Is there somewhere to rent camping gear in Bellingham?

Yes! Some great options exist for renting camping equipment in Bellingham. Backcountry Essentials, The Equipment Shop at the American Alpine Institute, and REI to name a few.

At this moment, Grounding Truth does not rent equipment, but we are happy to support our local gear rental shops!

How early should I arrive?

This is entirely up to you. We will meet as a group on the first day of the course in the nearest town to the trailhead. This means, you will need to have all of the gear you need for the course, food, and transportation ready to go by the time Day One arrives.

How should I get to and from the trailhead?

There are a few options, and all of them involve YOU finding YOUR OWN transportation to the trailhead. Carpooling with others on the course, renting a car, or driving yourself, are all good options.

What kinds of parking or entrance fees should I expect?

If your course operates in the Baker Snoqualmie NF, your vehicle will need to have a NW Forest pass visible on the dashboard. These passes can be purchased at the Equipment Shop for the American Alpine Institute for $30.

If your course operates in Olympic National Park, you will not need a National Parks pass, unless you decide to explore other parts of the park before or after the course.

Otherwise, there is no fee to park or enter any of Grounding Truth’s program locations.

I’ve never used a camp stove before, or planned meals for an extended period of time… how do I go about that?

That’s totally great. Julz will be present to walk you through the setup of your stove, how to prime it (if needed), how to cook using safe stove techniques, and she will also send out ample resources for food planning, such as food packings lists, fuel amounts, etc.

All you need is to come prepared with food for the program, a stove to cook it on, and the recommended fuel amount.

There is also an opportunity to link up with others on the program and collaborate on meals and share a stove. This is up to you to intiiate when you receive access to the participant roster.

Is there a good place to do a food shop in Bellingham?

Yes! I recommend stopping by the Grocery Outlet first to pick up staples and snacks. Then head over to the Bellingham Community Food Co-Op for things like vegetables, dehydrated fruits and vegetables, dehydrated soup mixes, beans, and hummus, instant fairtrade organic coffee, etc. There is also a Trader Joe’s in town, and they sell instant coffee with creamer already added, in addition to tons of yummy snacks.

If you want to go the dehydrated meals route, I recommend planning ahead and purchasing what you want online with Grounding Truth’s discount codes found here. Otherwise, REI and the Shop for the American Alpine Institute sell a variety of dehydrated meals.

I don’t have a lot of experience setting up my tent/gear. Could I pay you to set it up for me?

Yes. If you like, for an additional fee ($75-$150), Julz will be happy to set up your tent for you and inflate your mattress. However, Julz is even happier to coach you through how to set it up on your own, free of charge.